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In-Person Event Rules

The privacy and safety of our guests, hosts, performers, staff (this includes anyone that helps us create & deliver our unique events) is our #1 priority.

To participate in any of our In-Person events, you must agree to the following rules:

  • You will not talk about, write about, message about, or engage in any form of communication that reveals identifying information about our guests, participants, performers, hosts, or staff.
  • You will not use or attempt to use any photography or videography.
  • You must ask before touching. Consent is not an option.
  • If someone makes you feel uncomfortable or asks you to do something you are not comfortable with, just say "No thank you" or inform security or someone from our staff.
  • If someone says "no thank you" or any form of "no," the proper response is "thank you for establishing your boundaries."
  • No mobile phones or cameras are allowed.
  • No illegal substances are allowed at our events.
  • You are responsible for your health.
  • You are to immediately notify event staff if at any time you are aware or have reasonable cause to suspect that anyone's safety or ability to consent is at risk.
  • You are are expected to handle your alcohol consumption. If your behavior makes others feel uncomfortable, you will be asked to leave. No exceptions.
  • You are responsible for your own personal belongings.
  • Drink responsibly - do not drink then drive.
  • All rooms shall remain unlocked and doors open. (except the bathrooms, of course)
  • Performers are not guests. Do not ask them to participate. They are not permitted to play with guests.
  • Money exchange is not permitted during our events. Tips for event crew are collected either prior to or after the event.
  • Any violation of the rules and terms and conditions will result in removal, without refund.
  • Leave your judgment outside of the events.
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